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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Yes, that's correct. You can determine when an offer changes state with the sentOfferChanged event.
  2. Attribute 113's value contains the ID of the sticker, which in your case is 1063. You got that much right. The name of that sticker is given by item_name, which is a translation token. You can look that up in resource/csgo_english.txt from the game download.
  3. It's possible it was only a temporary Steam issue. Has this been happening repeatedly for a long time?
  4. If you're sending a trade, there's no way to check escrow status after you send it, until the user accepts it and it either goes into escrow or it doesn't. You need to use getUserDetails to know beforehand.
  5. Are you sure that you aren't reusing a 2FA code? My testing reveals that you get error 8 if you try to use a 2FA code which has already been used (perhaps to login).
  6. The asset ID for an item is also referred to as just the item's "id". In GetPlayerItems, "id" is the same as "assetid". Asset IDs do change when traded for Valve games (and some others). You can get the new IDs from the getReceivedItems method.
  7. You can use this to accept all outstanding confirmations at once, but the entire request will fail if any one confirmation fails to be confirmed.
  8. I believe your problem is stemming from the fact that you're trying to confirm all your pending confirmations at once. A key can only be used once, so if you try to confirm multiple confirmations in the same second, you'll generate the same key so it won't work.
  9. Formatted code so it's actually readable: client.requestPasswordChangeEmail(password, function(err) { console.log("Req: "+ err); var rl = require('readline').createInterface({ "input": process.stdin, "output": process.stdout }); rl.question('Code: ', function(code) { client.changePassword(password, newpassword, code, function(err) { console.log(err); }); console.log(code); rl.close(); }); }); Where are you getting 8? When you request the email, or when you call changePassword?
  10. offer.itemsToReceive contains an array of the items you'd receive if you accepted this offer. For each item in this array, check appid to make sure it's CS:GO and name to make sure it's a key. For example: var allItemsAreGood = offer.itemsToReceive.every(function(item) { return item.appid == 730 && item.name == "CS:GO Case Key"; });
  11. I don't know, but it makes sense to me. Are you requesting your own inventory while logged in, or others'?
  12. Nobody knows what goes on at Valve, but the rate-limit for inventories was made much more strict yesterday. Nobody knows if it will change again in the future.
  13. They're provided to the callback. The second argument (on success) is an object which has a property trades, which is an array of objects which contain trade data.
  14. Set a language in your constructor if you haven't already, and then the item should have a name property you can check.
  15. Data types shouldn't matter. The module should convert everything internally for you. Are you absolutely sure you're using asset IDs which are owned by the account you're logged into? Maybe you mixed up some accounts?
  16. It usually helps to print out values of variables when debugging. In this case, I suspect one of appid, contextid, or assetid is undefined or not the value you are expecting.
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