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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You also realize that in order to join a VAC-secured server, you'll need to implement VAC? And that you'd be fully insane to try to implement VAC.
  2. You realize that you'll need to implement the game server's protocol yourself, correct?
  3. That is currently not supported. What do you need it for?
  4. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-tf2#backpack
  5. You don't have to buy games. Just adding $5 to your wallet is sufficient.
  6. You can use node-tf2 to get and craft your inventory.
  7. You're saying that sometimes newOffer isn't emitted for an offer?
  8. It's not really recommended to manipulate poll data. TradeOfferManager's job is to emit newOffer once per incoming offer. Errors can be frustrating but it's your responsibility to make sure that they're dealt with properly. You could use offerList to check for offers that should have already been accepted (probably want to keep a list of offers you've attempted to accept and the timestamp so you don't try to accept an offer too frequently).
  9. Spamming threads won't get you (free) help any faster.
  10. That's known as spam, and I won't help with it.
  11. Up to you. Maybe make sure key and metal aren't 0.
  12. You aren't assigning anything to BuyKey and FromRef1. forEach doesn't return anything. Also, further on down you're using = when you want to use ==
  13. What's with the nested listeners on newOffer? And on separate emitters?
  14. Why are you constantly using commas when you mean to use &&?
  15. every will stop executing as soon as it reaches an entry that doesn't return true. Also, return will stop executing the function immediately. You want forEach, and don't return if the name matches the desired value. Instead, use that check in an if.
  16. I'm not really at liberty to say much about that, but to my knowledge it isn't possible through the steamcommunity.com data.
  17. There are multiple ways to do this. You could loop the item arrays and increment counters when you find matching items. You could use filter to filter the arrays for particular items and check the length of the resulting arrays.
  18. The constructor is new SteamCommunity()
  19. I've already told you what can cause that error. I suggest that you double-check everything.
  20. If you're using two-factor authentication (via SDA or whatever), then there's no new-device cooldown, so no. But if you aren't, then the answer is still no because "devices" are remembered by sentry files. Your sentry file is saved by steam-user in your appdata directory, so it will always be reused on the same machine (until you reformat or whatever).
  21. Then Steam is either down or you've had too many failed login attempts.
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