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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. GC sessions are weird and sometimes they go away without wanting to reconnect. That said, some changes have been made somewhat recently, so make sure you're up to date. If you are, then I suggest detecting when that happens, and using gamesPlayed([]) then waiting a minute or two and launching CS:GO again.
  2. It couldn't be, that error is coming from somewhere else. But that error is definitely indicating that you're trying to reference eresult on something that's null.
  3. Glad you got that sorted!
  4. This means that err is null, meaning there was no error.
  5. err.eresult is just the number, yes.
  6. Is your inventory full, or would accepting the offer put your inventory over the limit?
  7. Node.js actually performs better if you split as much as you can into separate processes, since Node is single-threaded.
  8. getPersonas is a method, not a property.
  9. You don't need to load someone's inventory if you know the asset ID you plan on putting in the trade offer already. Can you determine which line you're receiving the error on? That error could be coming from either manager.loadInventory or manager.loadUserInventory.
  10. You need to wait for the loggedOn event, and you also need to call getPersonas to actually get user persona data.
  11. What's the purpose of loading the user's inventory if you aren't doing anything with the response? Also, I'd like to know what your partner variable actually looks like.
  12. I really wouldn't recommend that you try parsing item attributes and using them to determine what various items actually are. CS:GO is a complete mess and that's a really good way to go insane. You're far better off keeping track of which items are which IDs before you put them in your storage unit. I'm not aware of any storage unit rate-limits, but I do recommend that you wait for an add/remove request to complete before you issue the next one.
  13. That sounds an awful lot like spam.
  14. Take a look at the examples in the steam-tradeoffer-manager repository. It should be fairly trivial to modify the example to accept all incoming offers into one that declines all incoming offers.
  15. Yes, receivedOfferChanged should be your primary way to see if a trade was completed.
  16. This is just how Steam works, sadly. When you confirm an incoming trade offer, the confirmation request doesn't respond until all items have been exchanged. If a trade offer contains many items, it's very possible that the request will time out (30 seconds) before all items have been exchanged. In this situation, the trade will still complete in the background.
  17. I'm not aware of anyone having been banned merely for using this package. This interacts with Steam primarily using WebAPIs exposed by Valve themselves; it would be pretty weird for Valve to create and expose an API and then ban people for using it.
  18. Fixed in v3.41.4, thanks for the info.
  19. You can use steamstore to add phone numbers.
  20. You can use getUserDetails to check whether the trade URL is valid and if the user can trade.
  21. Oh, I see what you're doing. Didn't look at the code super closely. node-steamcommunity doesn't currently support supplying your own cookie jar. I can't officially support this, but if you want to use node-steamcommunity's cookie jar for other purposes, you can do something like this: this.community = new SteamCommunity(); this.jar = this.community._jar; This is liable to break in a future release, but it will work. Also, if you want to supply your own user-agent, you need to supply it to the options object as userAgent. Specifying it as a default header in a passed-in request instance won't work.
  22. Probably because it needs to be this.jar = request.jar()
  23. https://steamapi.xpaw.me/#IPlayerService/GetOwnedGames
  24. At some point, probably.
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