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  1. Guest


    Hi, when account have trade ban - limitations.communityBanned is false, can you fix it please ?
  2. Just since 8 hours ago, my bot stop working, it does not accept trade-offers. so when I tried to restart it, I get stuck in setCookies() portion, it gives error 403. I logged in my accounts, check community market, I can purchase just fine. Checked badge pages, can craft just fine. It seems all of my accounts that I idle in ASF stopped working too.
  3. Hello, I've had code I was using frequently about ~1 year ago. Rerunning the code today, I get the Steam Error Code 55 on every trade offer I try to send. I've updated all the packages, code hasn't changed a bit. Could anyone provide an explanation of what error code 55 "Remote Call Failed" means? Thanks.
  4. Guest

    In-game & Away

    Hi, how can i know that my friend In-Game & Away ? In the steam chat it looks like
  5. I have a function that runs on average about 2 minutes. console.log(currentTime() + " START"); community.getSteamUser... if (DATA.onlineState == "online"... let trade = manager.createOffer... manager.getUserInventoryContents... for (let i in BotSets.BaseSets) {.... } for (let i in BotSets.FoilSets) {.... } // ---------------------------- INV = INV.filter((ITEM) => ITEM.getTag("item_class").internal_name == "item_class_2"); console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, STEP 05-A"); INV = INV.filter((ITEM) => ITEM.market_hash_name.indexOf("470480-Messenger") == -1); for (let i = 0; i < INV.length; i++) { if (i == 5000) console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 5,000"); if (i == 40000) console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 40,000"); if (i == 50000) console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 50,000"); if (i == 60000) console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 60,000"); if (i == 70000) console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 70,000"); if (i == 80000) console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 80,000"); if (i == 90000) console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 90,000"); if (i == 100000) console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 100,000"); if (i == 110000) console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 110,000"); if (amount < CONFIG.LIMITS.MAXTRANSFERCARDS && !idList.includes(INV[i].assetid)) { trade.addMyItem(INV[i]); amount++; } else if (amount == CONFIG.LIMITS.MAXTRANSFERCARDS && !idList.includes(INV[i].assetid)) { reachedLimit = true; break; } } console.log(currentTime() + " TEST, STEP 05-B"); // ---------------------------- trade.send((ERR) => { .... In the end, I get: 23:24 START 23:25 TEST, STEP 05-A 23:25 TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 5,000 23:25 TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 40,000 23:26 TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 50,000 23:26 TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 60,000 23:26 TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 70,000 // >> here I see that the bot goes offline 23:26 TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 80,000 23:26 TEST, ITEMS CHECKED: 90,000 23:27 TEST, STEP 05-B 23:27 Error: HTTP error 401 23:27 client.steamID: null 23:27 (WAIT FOR RECONECT) 23:27 An error occurred while sending trade offer: Error: Not Logged In 23:27 (Login...) Sometimes this function works, about 50/50%, but lately very often the bot goes offline before the trade offer is sent. Are there any tips, how can I prevent the bot from shutting down while this function is running?
  6. I wanna make a bot wich responds randomly when the user typer !random, i have created a array with the example: var random = ["random","blabla","bla"] So i added the function: function random_sentences(random) { return random[Math.floor(Math.random()*random.length)];} and if anyones type !random: else if(message == "!random") { client.chatMessage(random_sentences(random)) } this error appears: throw new Error("Unknown SteamID input format \"" + input + "\""); ^ Error: Unknown SteamID input format I did like to know how the bot can reponse randomly.Thanks
  7. Hi, could i've been banned because using wrong login settings or smth else ? Nobody uses an account except me
  8. How can I find out what item the user wants to receive? 1. I want to continue if item name = "Abc name Trading Card" 2. If not, decline assetid/classid change very often and the code stops working. manager.on("newOffer", (OFFER) => { console.log(OFFER); if (OFFER.itemsToGive.length == 1 && (OFFER.itemsToGive[0].id == "10964018350" || OFFER.itemsToGive[0].id == "11724177271" )) { // accept TradeOffer { partner: SteamID { universe: 1, type: 1, instance: 1, accountid: 23587203 }, id: '3695907410', message: '', state: 2, itemsToGive: [ EconItem { appid: 753, contextid: '6', assetid: '11497188550', classid: '2238354881', instanceid: '0', amount: 1, missing: false, est_usd: '7', id: '11497188550', fraudwarnings: [], descriptions: [], owner_descriptions: [], actions: [], owner_actions: [], market_actions: [], tags: [], tradable: false, marketable: false, commodity: false, market_tradable_restriction: 0, market_marketable_restriction: 0 } ], itemsToReceive: [], isOurOffer: false, created: 2019-09-04T11:04:43.000Z, updated: 2019-09-04T11:04:43.000Z, expires: 2019-09-18T11:04:43.000Z, tradeID: null, fromRealTimeTrade: false, confirmationMethod: 0, escrowEnds: null, rawJson: '{\n\t"tradeofferid": "3695907410",\n\t"accountid_other": 23587203,\n\t"message": "",\n\t"expiration_time": 1568804683,\n\t"trade_offer_state": 2,\n\t"items_to_give": [\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t"appid": 753,\n\t\t\t"contextid": "6",\n\t\t\t"assetid": "11497188550",\n\t\t\t"classid": "2238354881",\n\t\t\t"instanceid": "0",\n\t\t\t"amount": "1",\n\t\t\t"missing": false,\n\t\t\t"est_usd": "7"\n\t\t}\n\t],\n\t"is_our_offer": false,\n\t"time_created": 1567595083,\n\t"time_updated": 1567595083,\n\t"from_real_time_trade": false,\n\t"escrow_end_date": 0,\n\t"confirmation_method": 0\n}' } However, I see no way to get the name (without loading all inventory). Is there any way to get the name of the items like getReceivedItems, but for itemsToGive? (And I also wanted to know why tradable = false)
  9. I want to keep track of what item I have sent to a partner. For an example: I have 10 SAME* items that I want to giveaway to random users. But I need to track which item I have sent, so I don't send 1 unique item to 2 persons as a trade offer. * By same I mean items with the same market_hash_name So my questions are: does assetid change? can I use just "id" to track which items I have sent? can an item have no assetid? can one or more items have the same assetid in ONE inventory Thanks in advance
  10. Basically I'm trying to figure out how to use the node module steam-user to create a steambot in order to send announcements to a steamgroup via the vents and to make posts/threads under a steamgroups discussions section. So far setting up the code for getting the bot working was easy enough with the tutorial, however I'm currently stuck with the problem of logging in. I've not tested my code yet because I already know its not going to work without propperly setting up a way to use the code steam will end up emailing me. basically I just want a quick rundown of how to get this thing running with steamguard on. after that I'd just like to know what functions I'd need for steamgroup related stuff since the github page didn't really go over how to make posts,threads and events. it only seemed to go over detecting when they happen to be made by others it seemed.
  11. var offer = manager.createOffer(partnerId);offer.getUserDetails(function (err, them) {if(err){console.log(`Error getting trade info of partnerId; ${partnerId}\nerr:${err}`);}else{console.log(them.escrowDays);console.log(them.contexts);}}); Before I want to send an offer, I want to check the partner inventory. what will console.log(them.contexts); print? I can't test it because my bot account can't trade till 15 days are passed. Does it just print the contexts of the games that the partner have? If this is the case, is manager.getUserInventoryContents the way to get trade?
  12. Hi, when i using method community.editProfile - it remove my background if it exist
  13. How can i make my program have a one time login so user doesn't have to login every time? I originally tried just saving login details in a .json file but then realized would still have to enter steam guard code since there was to shared secret. Is there a way to get shared secret not through sda?
  14. Is there a way to fetch certain data like the Steam Profile Name and Steam Avatar, if the Profile is Public, Steam Level, Ability to Invite Friends etc. and fetch it from Steam via Steam-User or is that something I would have to do without Steam-User via Steam Web API?
  15. Hello i use this code community.postGroupAnnouncement("103582791463279214", title, msg, (err) => { if (err) { console.log("Error while posting announcement. Error " + err); } console.log("Posted announcement!"); console.log(" - Title: " + title); console.log(" - Message: " + msg); client.chatMessage(steamID, "hadi kapı orda yürü."); }); i not get any error or warn. But not sended announcement please help me
  16. Solution for getting appOwnershipChached apps' name instead of appid. I got config.default_apps by using an empty Steam account to get the numerical list of apps each account has by default and on that line I compare that default list to the list of the fetched user account which might have some games and then filter to remove the default apps. //get GAME LIST client.on('appOwnershipCached', async() => { try { const appIDs = await client.getOwnedApps() let gameList = appIDs.filter((game) => { // remove default apps from list return !config.default_apps.includes(game) }) const appDetails = await client.getProductInfo(gameList, []) let appData = appDetails.apps let arr = await Object.keys(appData).map(key => { // convert list to array return appData[key] }) let cleanGameList = [] await arr.forEach(app => { // push only app names into array if (app.appinfo.common !== undefined) { // necessary only .common since .common.name gives TypeError cleanGameList.push(app.appinfo.common.name) } }) log(cleanGameList) } catch(err) { log(err) } }) Well, I've been trying/searching different things for hours now without any sufficient results. I am trying to get the name of the app/game instead of the appid number via appOwnershipCached. I am actually trying to get the games in the users account instead of also apps and default apps that come with a Steam account. I managed to get the names with an npm package called appid, but it takes a while until it converts all of them since it's fetching it from Steam API, so unfortunately it's not an option and I've run out. So I have two questions: Is there a way to get an apps' name instead of appid? Is there a way to get only the games without apps and default apps? Edit: I actually managed to filter it to the point until I get only the games in my library. I basically filter default apps from the appOwnershipCached fetch of appIDs and then if the appID has a name, it puts it into the gameList array. But the problem is, some games seem not to have names, why is that? For example: Rocket League only has { appid: '252590', public_only: '1' } on .appinfo... OLD NOT WORKING //get GAME LIST client.on('appOwnershipCached', async() => { try { const appIDs = await client.getOwnedApps() log(appIDs) let gameList = appIDs.filter((game) => { return !config.default_apps.includes(game) }) log(gameList) accountData.games = await gameList // log("my games: " + accountData.games) const appDetails = await client.getProductInfo(gameList, []) // ROCKET LEAGUE TEST const rl = await client.getProductInfo([252590], []) log(rl.apps[252590].appinfo) // let appData = appDetails.apps // log(appData) let arr = await Object.keys(appData).map(key => { return appData[key] }) // log(arr) let cleanGameList = [] await arr.forEach(app => { if (app.appinfo.common.name != null) { // log(app.appinfo.common.name) console.log("list: ", cleanGameList) return cleanGameList.push(app.appinfo.common.name) } }) } catch(err) { log(err) } })
  17. I want to someone type my bot !selltf, his sell max 15 sets per game how can i do that? My Code; Inventory.prototype.getCustomerSets = function(ignore, sid64, callback, permit){ let self=this; this.community.getUserInventoryContents(sid64, 753, 6, true, (err, items) => { if(err){ callback(err); } else { items = items.filter(item => { if(item.getTag("item_class").internal_name == "item_class_2" && item.getTag("cardborder").internal_name == "cardborder_0"){ return item; } }); let customer_sets=[], customer_cards={}; items.forEach( card => { const appid=card.market_hash_name.split("-")[0]; if(!customer_cards[appid]){customer_cards[appid]={};} if(!customer_cards[appid][card.market_hash_name]){customer_cards[appid][card.market_hash_name]=[];} customer_cards[appid][card.market_hash_name].push(card); }); for(let appid in customer_cards){ if(self.card_db[appid]){ if(Object.keys(customer_cards[appid]).length == self.card_db[appid]){ let customerHave = Math.min.apply( Math, values(customer_cards[appid]).map( card => card.length ) ), botHave = self.AvailableSets[appid] ? self.AvailableSets[appid].length : 0, limit = permit ? (self.maxStock+permit) : self.maxStock, falt = limit-botHave; customerHave = !ignore ? ( (falt > 0) ? ( Math.min( ...[ falt, customerHave ] ) ) : 0 ) : customerHave; for (let i=0;i<customerHave;i++) { let currentCustomerSet=[] for(let card in customer_cards[appid]){ currentCustomerSet.push(customer_cards[appid][card][i]); } customer_sets.push(currentCustomerSet); } } } else { self.getAppIdCount(appid); } } callback(null, customer_sets); } }); }
  18. Hi guys! I have just started using the npm module steam-user and noticed that a simply `import steamUser from 'steam-user';` would take about 3GB of memory. Is that totally normal? I should note that I am using steam-user in a svelte project.
  19. Guest

    send image to friend

    Hi, can you add method for send image via steam chat ? First method for upload photo, and second method for send it to chat.
  20. Hi im looking for a sample code to extract steam ids from a gameserver
  21. Guest

    user using phone

    Hi, how can i know that user online by phone ? Can i know it using event "user" ?
  22. Previously, everything worked and remained. now does not want to save the file. rememberPassword is on
  23. now,i use this ways, first accept all offer, then i send a message to my bot ,to confirm i want offer if (message.indexOf("@confirm") >=0) { if (steamID == Config.admin) { community.acceptConfirmationForObject(Config.identity, message.replace("@confirm ",""), function(err){ if(err){ console.log(' Cant confirmed the offer. Please try again later'); client.chatMessage(Config.admin, "HI admin: Cant confirmed the offer"); } else { console.log(' Succesfully confirmed the offer.'); client.chatMessage(Config.admin, "HI admin: Offer was successful"); } }); } } now how can i send a message to make my bot accept offer or decline offer? may be i can accept all offer and then i send confirm message to finish i want trade and every 2hours decline all offer to decline i needn't offer please help
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