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  1. I'm quite new to programming and testing apps and I wonder how do I test methods and functions related to an API like Steam? I heard good things about Mocha, but I don't know how I should test for example trading? Thanks for any helping answers.
  2. I got some questions: 1. Should i update the cookies? 2. When should i do it? 3. How can i do it?
  3. TextDynasty


    How to request data from api
  4. For some reason I get RateLimitExceeded if bot frequently add friends. What's the limit on adding friends? Or the problem is not in the limit ?
  5. I know two methods (correct me if I am wrong) for getting the defindex of a CS:GO item: 1. It is actually not available anymore but back in the days (before March 2017) you could get someone's invetory list and one of the item attributes was defindex. 2. You can use inspectItem function from node-globaloffensive to get info about an item and one of the attributes is defindex. (side question here: could you confirm that you need CS:GO on your account to use this?) So my question is: are there other ways for acquiring this information?
  6. Hi all, when I was using steamcommunity.marketSearch() to gather item price data, sometimes will prompt up error with http-429( too many request). As I know, internally it will auto fetch the pages of item results, so it may trigger multiple requests, and sometimes got http-429 error. Questions: 1. Any one has idea to avoid triggering http code 429? 2. Or , is there any better ways to gather price info for such items ? Thanks.
  7. Sometimes I get a message like "Steam Guard App Code" and I have to enter this code, how do I turn it off? Thanks
  8. How can i use the bp.tf api to get my listing price and community price
  9. i have a genuine killer exclusive with the australium paint on it i done var item = ourItems[i].market_name; var des = ourItems[i].descriptions; console.log(item) console.log(des) if (item == stock[item] && des == stock[item].description){ if (item == Prices[item] && des == Prices[item].description){ console.log(Prices[item].sell) } } when it does the console log on item and des it shows "Genuine Killer Exclusive": [ { type: "text", value: "Paint Color: Australium Gold", color: "756b5e", app_data: "" }, { type: "text", value: "Break news, spirits and heads.", app_data: "" } ] i put the descriiption text in the stock under the item name and is the value of description like below { "Genuine Killer Exclusive": { "instock": 0, "stocklimit":1, "description": [ { "type": "text", "value": "Paint Color: Australium Gold", "color": "756b5e", "app_data": "" }, { "type": "text", "value": "Break news, spirits and heads.", "app_data": "" } ] } } the problem is with the "" around type, value, color, app_data, type, value, app_data it acts as if that is not the value but json wont work without the " " around the certain words SOLUTION:
  10. Im found only this but I do not know how to use it when I have it client.on('friendMessage', (steamid, message) please Help Thanks.2 message per sec or remove setInterval(() => { for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(userMsgs).length; i++) { if (userMsgs[Object.keys(userMsgs)] > 2) { client.chatMessage(Object.keys(userMsgs), "You have been removed for spamming. Another offense will get you blocked."); client.removeFriend(Object.keys(userMsgs)); } } userMsgs = {}; }, 1000);
  11. How to use skipStateUpdate? Can you give one example from "offer.accept" to "offer.skipStateUpdate" please?
  12. I have a basic bot i created and would like to know how to beable to separate craftable item from uncraft. and the Documentation on it so i know what i am doing
  13. What steam Bot Features Require the steam Api Key and how do i put it into the steam bot
  14. I'm having some problems with this - not a big deal but I'd still like to know. Somehow some cards I am receiving in a trade don't have a market_hash_name. As far as I know all cards are marketable, so how is it possible that it doesn't have a market_hash_name? Language is set if that matters Edit: Language is only needed for descriptions right? I'd rather not use it because of all the descriptions it'll load but am not sure if that's actually how it works
  15. When i send a trade offer i want to know when and if it is accepted or declined. Is this possible and how?
  16. I can't seem to find how to get the quality of an item in my/their offer. If I could actually just get all of the offer item variables that would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  17. I am a games collector. Recently I bought random Steam key, and tried to activate it on my account via helper bot I made. I received "AlreadyPurchased" result, but package id in response does not match package I own for this game (I own 79549, and failed to redeem key with 80925). I'm interested, in which cases Steam considers I already have this product? Is it compare app ids, or depots ids in packages, or something another? What if I want to own two packages with one game? For example, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, that present in store (12205) does not have depot with russian language. But russian retail CD version (11616) contains ONLY russian. What can I do, if I want all languages? Can I activate both packages in some way, if I buy keys in retail? Thank's for answer.
  18. Hello, what I should to change if I want to use that custom useragent during login to Steam? const USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36";
  19. I have this code to get the items of a specific user, but it should work for every user in the world, so i want to use a variable instead of hardcoding the steamID64 into it, but i just can't get it to work var qqdata = steamID64; // the steamid64 of the user i want to get the inventory from const offer = manager.createOffer + qqdata; offer.getPartnerInventoryContents(730, 2, (err, inventory) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { for (var i = 0; i < inventory.length; i++) { setTimeout(function (i) { var name = "'" + inventory[i].market_hash_name + "'"; var image = "'" + inventory[i].icon_url + "'"; var sql = "INSERT INTO `inventorys`.`" + qqdata + "` (name, icon_url) VALUES (" + name + ", " + image + ")"; con.query(sql, function (err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } }); }, 10 * i, i); } } });
  20. 2 Questions. First one friendOrChatMessage triggers when a room message is typed but it also triggers when a steam message is typed? the room parm can be the room it is typed in or the steam id... Soooo how do i know if its a message in the room? or a message from a user? and 2. How do i send a message to a room that im in?
  21. As has also been the case earlier, I am trying to create an automatic steam market seller, however I get error 400 when trying to do so. I have tried multiple ways, ending up trying to use httpRequestPost from the steamcommunity package community.httpRequestPost('https://steamcommunity.com/market/sellitem/', { form: { sessionid: community.getSessionID(), appid: item.appid, contextid: item.contextid, assetid: item.assetid, amount: 1, price: item.price }, headers: { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'User-Agent': 'Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux i686; Ubuntu/14.10) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.16', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Cookie': cookies, 'Host': 'steamcommunity.com', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5' }, json: true }, (err, response, json) => { if(err) { console.log(err.toString()); return; } console.log(json); }, "steamcommunity"); This will return error 400, and I have no clue as to why that is, any suggestions?
  22. Hi, so I want to make a bot that will send trade offers with specific items already selected on my website to a user. So the bot will ask for that user items bot will not give any from own inventory. I guess I have to do something with this code but I have not idea what. var offer = manager.createOffer("https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=157268861&token=N_0bQbD4"); offer.addMyItems(inventory); offer.setMessage("Here, have some items!"); offer.send(function(err, status) { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } if (status == 'pending') { // We need to confirm it console.log(`Offer #${offer.id} sent, but requires confirmation`); community.acceptConfirmationForObject("identitySecret", offer.id, function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log("Offer confirmed"); } }); } else { console.log(`Offer #${offer.id} sent successfully`); } }); So this code, send items from "our" / bot inventory, but I need to send a trade offer with items from a specific user from steam and then he has to accept it.
  23. What is Steam? Why would I want Steam? How do I get started using Steam?
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