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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. The settings on that account do not allow you to add comments.
  2. Both your node and npm are ancient. Update them both to supported versions (node 6 or later, npm 3 or later).
  3. There is no guarantee that if an assetid changes, it won't change to an assetid that has been previously assigned to an item. They are only guaranteed unique at one point in time. That said, for Valve games, when an assetid changes it will only increase and will never be an ID previously assigned.
  4. It's in the cookies array, which contains strings of format name=value.
  5. Why do you need the value of that cookie? Why are you logging in twice? Don't do that. The fifth argument to the callback of login is oAuthToken, not YourCookieValue. Use that instead of calling getWebApiOauthToken just after logging in.
  6. user.steamID
  7. community.steamID
  8. You can provide a custom time offset to steam-totp when generating the code. Current time + 30 should work.
  9. You're trying to reuse a code, which doesn't work.
  10. Just Steam doing Steam things. You need to try again later.
  11. Surely there is more code in your application than just that snippet. Also, provide the entire output please.
  12. That crash is because you're trying to pass undefined to addMyItem.
  13. The way you've used it looks correct to me (although you probably want to console.log that err). I'd need to see more (like more of the error).
  14. No, there is no error handling or timeout built into the module; you will need to handle that on your own. The async module may help you, specifically async.queue.
  15. This may help you: https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/365-cookies/
  16. A few things: Colors are only useful in console.log output. You cannot and should not use them in offer messages. You should not be using the confirmation checker. I suspect you're being rate-limited because you're using it twice with a relatively low poll interval. Instead, use community.acceptConfirmationForObject as needed (in the callback to offer.accept(); check the status). It is not safe to start sending an offer until the callback to manager.setCookies fires.
  17. If that's supposed to be an error, you've cut off most of the useful part of it.
  18. No, and that probably never will be possible.
  19. Read the docs; set a language in the constructor.
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