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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You have too many open files. https://askubuntu.com/questions/181215/too-many-open-files-how-to-find-the-culprit
  2. I'm sorry to say it, but if you don't want that behavior then you shouldn't be using steam-tradeoffer-manager. The entire purpose of the module is to keep stateful track of trade offers so that relevant events can be emitted when things change, but what you're asking for is to disregard old offers and only deal with new ones. That's not what steam-tradeoffer-manager is designed to do, and you'd probably be better off using some other library to deal with trade offers if your memory limitations require you to disregard older trade offers.
  3. Beta 3 is now on npm. Now featuring (most of) the docs for the new chat API!
  4. Uhhh, good catch. It should work, but you won't get a response back yet.
  5. Supported in v4 beta 2.
  6. No, none of my libraries would be involved in doing anything like this. You'd probably need to inject something into the game's process to render an item and capture it to an image.
  7. You need cookies to be logged into Steam. You need your identity_secret and to be logged in to confirm offers.
  8. Beta 2 fixes OS capitalization. New chat stuff does not yet have docs, but all the methods have jsdoc. SteamChatRoomClient is available as a chat property of your SteamUser instance, e.g. user.chat.sendFriendMessage(steamID, "/flip")
  9. You need your identity_secret to accept trade offers. There is no way around it. https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/365-cookies/#user-cookieexpiration
  10. I really don't mind necroing on this forum. You definitely need to put the confirmation acceptance inside the callback to accept, but within that callback it's not a bad idea to add a short delay. Use setTimeout for this.
  11. Automated voting on any content will never be supported.
  12. That looks correct.
  13. The result is the result of the random (same in /flip). In the second line of that block, the resulting random number was 872.
  14. Put it inside of the callback to accept.
  15. v4 is now out! There are a lot of breaking changes in v4. See the release notes on GitHub for all of the changes. Major changes include: Support for new Steam chatPromise support for all methods that take callbacks (callbacks are still also supported)Removal of deprecated methodsAddition of err parameter to all callbacks that previously lacked itNode.js v8 or higher is now required
  16. You're firing off getUserDetails and accept at the same time. The accept request is probably getting processed by Steam before the details one, and thus Steam no longer believes the offer is active when the details request gets processed.
  17. node-steam is not node-steam-user. I won't delete your thread, but I can't help you either.
  18. I'm not 100% sure, but I think steamLogin got dropped when Steam (finally) went HTTPS-only. So yeah, steamLoginSecure alone should work.
  19. A delay in getting a web session would have nothing to do with this. It's probable that Steam was just being slow when you were trying.
  20. All my modules do send a cookie requesting English text, but I guess it's not always respected.
  21. I tested it personally before pushing and login didn't take any longer than usual.
  22. The error language is probably controlled by your Steam account language.
  23. Should be fixed in the latest commit. Remember that the v4 branch is still pre-alpha. There are going to be bugs.
  24. That's not an appropriate fix because that prevents intentional attachment of multiple handlers for a single message. Pull the latest v4 commit and you should get fixes for gamesPlayed and your duplicate handler issue, but I wasn't able to replicate any Steam Guard issues.
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