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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. It's the ID of the item in your inventory. If you open your Steam inventory and right-click an item and hit copy address/link/URL, you'll get blahblah#753_6_xxx, the asset ID is the xxx.
  2. Inviting people to a Steam lobby is not currently possible. friendOrChatMessage is deprecated. Please try using the new SteamChatRoomClient stuff. That said, this shouldn't happen so I've made an issue to look at later. Yes, but it's pretty difficult.
  3. Sure. Retrieve your trade offer list and cancel everything that's active.
  4. The value is a single-precision float. A double will give you the wrong value. It sounds like whatever you're using to display it is truncating the number of decimals, so you should go check that.
  5. Get rid of the Convert.ToDouble call.
  6. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/releases/tag/v4.0.0
  7. There is no event emitted when you send a trade offer via the bot as obviously you should know when you send a trade offer. If you want to detect trade offers sent from the bot's account but not from TradeOfferManager, you can use unknownOfferSent.
  8. I wouldn't expend the effort, no. It could just be an EResult, or it could be something really complex. Protobuf v6 shouldn't have anything to do with it as these aren't protobuf messages.
  9. You could handle the NameBaseItemResponse, sure, but you'd have to figure out what the byte stream means.
  10. I need the full error, and I need to know what line corresponds to the line number it's triggering on.
  11. You need to do it like the other message, with a ByteBuffer. Replace the second writeUint64 with writeUint32 and put the item's defindex in there. But it probably won't work.
  12. Base quality ("stock") items do not have IDs. In TF2, there's a separate GC message used to rename a stock item (NameBaseItem). The value exists in CS:GO's GC message enum, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything as it was just copied and pasted from TF2 and the message may not do anything on the backend. I believe the buffer you should send with that message is a 32- or 64-bit (dunno which, exactly) defindex, followed by the C string.
  13. Yes, v2 came with many breaking changes. I think probably all you need to do is get rid of the coerceToLong calls.
  14. I'm confused. When does it work and when doesn't it?
  15. client.on("friendMessage", function (steamID, message) { if (steamID == AdminID && message.indexOf('!key') == 0) { var GetKey = message.replace('!key ', ''); client.redeemKey(GetKey, function (err) { if (err) { // key not activated } else { client.chatMessage(steamID, "Key activated: " + GetKey); } }); } });
  16. Whatever you named your SteamUser instance.
  17. No, \white\1 is for finding Valve servers. The favorites tab bypasses the Steam master server entirely and sends direct Source engine queries to those servers.
  18. I'm not aware of any way to request multiple IPs at once using that API method. You'd need to either make a request for each IP, find a tag that each server you're interested in has and use \gametype\taggoeshere and filter the output yourself, or use a Source engine query library.
  19. My test instances still haven't gone above 150 MB (although one of them crashed on Tuesday because Steam gave it an InvalidPassword... stay classy Valve) so I'm going to go ahead and end this experiment. One of them was sending a chat message to a chat room both bots were in every second or so and still there was no significant memory usage.
  20. Check the callback or promise result to redeemKey.
  21. You might need to wait for friendRelationship to get emitted again with relationship SteamUser.EFriendRelationship.Friend. But a lot of people are having issues automatically posting comments; Valve might have put some anti-spam measures into place.
  22. You need to supply a callback to login. And also loggedOn is always going to be false in that code (not that you're checking that, for some reason).
  23. Yep, that looks correct. I'm pretty curious as to how you weren't crashing with the old code, but as long as that works, all's well that ends well.
  24. You need to log back on after error before you do anything else, or else it will crash because you're trying to do things without being logged on. A call to logOn is what needs to go inside the process.nextTick.
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