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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. I don't think it is on the v2 branch.
  2. You'll probably need to wait until steam-user 3 comes out (whenever that happens, I don't have a timeframe yet) which adds official support for new chat.
  3. The first problem I see is that you aren't handling the callback to offer.accept, which could fail. Secondly, you can use the fs module to read from a file. If it's newline-delimited, you could call split("\n") to get an array containing each line in the file.
  4. No, you'd need to use the WebAPI.
  5. Do something like this: let isEachItemATradingCard = theirItems.every((item) => { if (item.appid != 753 || item.contextid != 6) { // AppID is not "Steam" or contextid is not "Community" return false; } let tag = item.getTag('item_class'); if (!tag || tag.internal_name != 'item_class_2') { // Not a trading card // You could also check that tag.localized_tag_name == 'Trading Card' but that would only work for English return false; } return true; // all checks passed });
  6. It's in the tags property of the item object.
  7. I believe the only way to do that is to use the WebAPI.
  8. I don't believe it's currently possible with new Steam chat.
  9. Is your account limited?
  10. This sounds a lot like spam.
  11. Plain trading sites are generally okay.
  12. People generally use the request module to make HTTP requests.
  13. There's a separate secret that's used for confirmations; it's not the same as the one you use to login.
  14. If you called login without providing an account name or password, then you've logged into an anonymous account. You can do a few things from anonymous accounts, but not all that much. If you want to login to a Steam account, you need to enter the account's name and password. It doesn't matter what account you use, but it needs to be one that exists. If you're creating a bot, most people create a separate, dedicated Steam account for it.
  15. If you try to use two different devices to accept confirmations, you tend to miss confirmations on one device or another. It's not a good idea at all. That said, the error you're getting isn't due to this. It's because your app is either using the wrong secret, or the clock is wrong.
  16. Can you try calling manager.doPoll() yourself?
  17. node-steamcommunity is a Node.js module. It does not work in the browser, even if you use something like browserify.
  18. steamcommunity.com/gid/
  19. Attach a callback to setCookies and see if you get an error back.
  20. Can you add this code and provide the output? manager.on('debug', console.log);
  21. Added, sorry it took a while.
  22. Automating reports/commendations is one thing I won't help with.
  23. I don't believe it was ever officially supported, so I wouldn't be surprised if they removed the backend code for it.
  24. It would be possible.
  25. If it helps any, the amount of XP needed to reach the next level goes up by 100 every 10 levels. So the amount of XP you need to reach level X is 100 + (floor(X / 10) * 100).
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