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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Yes, that's returning a promise. You should put your code inside of the callback function and call resolve() once you're done.
  2. Can you please give v4.4.4 a shot and let me know if it improves anything?
  3. Have you tried getChatMessageHistory?
  4. As I recall, like 20 requests inside of 5 minutes or so will get you blocked. Using the endpoint to get a single price is really not a good way to go about doing things.
  5. ConvertToKeys2 is not an async function (nor does it return a Promise), so that's why await isn't awaiting anything.
  6. I don't see anything obvious in your code that would cause that. Though I do notice that if this is your entire code, you don't need to use SteamCommunity or web sessions at all. You aren't making any authenticated requests to steamcommunity.com. Could you add this and see what happens before you get prompted for a code? client.on('debug', (msg) => console.log('[debug] ' + msg));
  7. Promise limitations prevent any arguments besides err from being sent to the callback if an error occurred. If you update to v4.4.3, you'll be able to access this data via the Error object instead, using err.purchaseResultDetails and err.packageList.
  8. You should never call emit on a SteamUser instance yourself. Events are emitted by the module.
  9. That code looks correct. You're obviously doing something else wrong, but I can't tell you what without seeing more code (and a full stack trace).
  10. No, there is no way to suppress those messages from coming in when you receive a trade offer. Eventually I'm sure I'll add a method you can use to mark those as read, but for the time being there's no way to clear them in a bot.
  11. You aren't logged into Steam Community until webSession fires.
  12. I'm not sure whether this would cause the issue you're describing or not, but is your Steam profile set up yet? I only ask due to the name of your function.
  13. Your call to chatMessage is correct (although deprecated; you should check out the docs for the new SteamChatRoomClient), but your comparison is wrong. It should be: if (OFFER.state == TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted)
  14. Yes, steam-client is obsolete with v4. It's built into steam-user now. And user.setHttpProxy isn't going to work. You should use: let user = new SteamUser({ debug: true, singleSentryfile: false, autoRelogin: true, dataDirectory: '/files/clients', httpProxy: proxyUrl });
  15. Don't bother, Valve fixed that exploit long ago.
  16. Assuming this is happening like you describe, that would be a problem with Steam, not with this module. But what I suspect is happening is that you're logged into that same account with another bot (or with the Steam client) and its persona state is away. If any logged-on session is in an online state (anything but invisible/offline), the account will show up as that state.
  17. That error means you're calling addMyItem/addTheirItem with an undefined argument. It doesn't matter which inventory you check first.
  18. Yes, that means your time is correct. So your secret isn't.
  19. inventory.filter is always going to return every item that matches the filter. If you only want to send some specific amount of metal, you should use slice, for example offer.addMyItems(ref.slice(0, 3)) to send 3.
  20. Be sure to check out the breaking changes: node-tf2node-globaloffensive
  21. They weren't; I've just joined them to one.
  22. If your clock is wrong and you can't fix it, you'll need to use getTimeOffset and account for it.
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