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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Just remove the whole startConfirmationChecker line. There's no need to confirm anything if you're never losing items.
  2. Looks like your web session is expiring and your app is coded in such a way that that causes a crash.
  3. Sure. If your database is MySQL, you can use the mysql module.
  4. Download it and drop it into node_modules.
  5. Instead of comparing relationship to a number directly, you should compare to SteamUser.EFriendRelationship.RequestRecipient. You're firing off the addFriend request but then immediately trying to send a chat message and post a comment. Steam sees this as all happening at the same time, and wouldn't have processed your add-friend request when you try to post the comment. You need to wait for friendRelationship to get emitted again, this time with relationship Friend.
  6. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#requestfreelicenseappids-callback
  7. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#user
  8. Once an account is banned, it's banned for good. You can't just change the phone number and get it unbanned. I also wouldn't use that same phone number anymore since it's now "tainted".
  9. That shouldn't be possible, no.
  10. All accounts linked to a phone number are banned if any account linked to that number is banned. No other criteria matter.
  11. Why not use node-steam-user?
  12. Absolutely. If any account gets banned, all accounts with the same phone number get banned.
  13. No. If you want to know whether two players traded items or not, you'll need to poll both players' inventories and check to see if the item(s) disappeared from player A and appeared in player B.
  14. I meant v4. You could install it directly from Git if you wanted, but I haven't yet written docs for new chat support. The new code is here. To call getGroups for example, you'd do user.chat.getGroups(...)
  15. You're missing the tradableOnly param in manager.getInventoryContents.
  16. The code that's an issue is not in your paste.
  17. Dr. McKay

    steam guard

    You need to remove your friendMessage listener after you get your Steam Guard code, otherwise it tries to login again later with the old details.
  18. If you're absolutely sure that you want to allow MitM, this should work: const Request = require('request'); const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); let community = new SteamCommunity({ "request": Request.defaults({"rejectUnauthorized": false}) });
  19. offer.accept(function(err) { if (err) { // handle error } });
  20. Dr. McKay

    steam guard

    Have you set the promptSteamGuardCode option to false?
  21. If you're using the force parameter to gamesPlayed (as you are), then there's no need to use kickPlayingSession (and in fact, the way you're doing it is liable to cause problems as you aren't waiting for the callback before moving on).
  22. Dr. McKay

    steam guard

    Why are you overriding the prototype? Don't do that, just use the steamGuard event.
  23. No, that's not right.
  24. Looks like your reverse proxy is performing MitM.
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