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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You can't do it with node-steam-user. You'll want node-steamcommunity to do that.
  2. steam-tradeoffer-manager uses this API: https://lab.xpaw.me/steam_api_documentation.html#ISteamEconomy_GetAssetClassInfo_v1
  3. I can't really support modules I didn't write, but to be sure the problem isn't with my module, I need more information. Anytime you get an error, give the entire output.
  4. The item.fraudwarnings array contains the item's fraud warnings. If you want to see if there an exists an item in that array which literally matches "This item has been renamed", you can use item.fraudwarnings.includes("This item has been renamed") The problem is that typically, that isn't the exact text. Usually items which have been renamed also include their original names in the fraud warning. In this case, you'll need to loop the array and use includes on each entry.
  5. As per the documentation, if you pass a node-steam-user instance to the constructor, then you will get real-time notifications if an offer you sent was accepted, provided you received items in that offer.
  6. You can only relog while connected. If you're not connected, you need to login again.
  7. Need more detail. Please show the entire output, and your code.
  8. You can create an offer and use getUserDetails. If the token is bad, it will error.
  9. Because they can't get API keys, and this module needs to use the API.
  10. Guess what? As per the documentation, limited accounts don't work.
  11. As per the documentation, it only cancels offers as the result of a poll, so the actual cancel time is whatever you set it to +/- your poll interval.
  12. Show your code and the entire output.
  13. Please read the documentation. An error event is emitted if there's a problem logging on. Also, you should under no circumstances be collecting credentials from users.
  14. Worked fine for me. Note that it won't do anything if you already own those apps.
  15. If you're asking how to check if the bot is connected to Steam, check if user.steamID is not null. If you're asking how to check if the web session is still valid, node-steamcommunity has some stuff for that.
  16. I'd need to see how you're saving it, but it's not unlikely that the cookies are just expiring.
  17. Yeah, that should probably have a GitHub issue made for it.
  18. details is not yet defined.
  19. Not planning to add the feature right now, no.
  20. The way you've written it here is correct. The error indicates that you're trying to access the variable outside of the scope where it was defined.
  21. community.login()
  22. Create a new SteamCommunity instance.
  23. Yep!
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