Hello, I'm using this library to check player's profiles, but sometimes (after a few hours of constant work) my variable 'haveGCSession' is set to false, and it doesnt want to auto-reconnect, script is running but when I'm trying to call 'requestPlayersProfile' (ofc before if (haveGCSession)) it says I dont have haveGCSession How can I reconnect to game-coordinator? sometimes script works good whole week without this error, sometimes I get it after 20 hours of run (randomly) I tired to use: 'client.gamesPlayed([730]);' but it doesn;'t reconnect GC session
if (csgo.haveGCSession) {
} else {
console.log("haveGCSession is set to false");
I had this problem before: https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/2130-node-globaloffensive-after-v2-disconnect/ should I use client.relog();? or maybe csgo._connect?