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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. That offset-retrieval code won't work. You need to wait for the callback before you try to do anything with that offset.
  2. Does it appear as online/in-game on its direct profile?
  3. Thanks. Looks like there's an expiry time in those packages which is being ignored. Let me take a look at the code.
  4. You probably never called setPersona on the node-steam-user to set it online.
  5. You can never accept an offer you create. Accepting is an action that can only be done by the trade recipient. If this happens when accepting incoming trades, that means they aren't active. They've already been accepted or declined or canceled.
  6. I'd avoid outright saying it. Just say that you have a lot of confirmations on your device for trades that no longer exist, and give that error message that you see in the title.
  7. Please dump your licenses property to JSON and either post it here or PM it to me.
  8. Wrong module. This isn't node-steam-tradeoffers.
  9. I honestly have no idea what you're asking. The statistics in Steam groups aren't always up-to-date or correct.
  10. I don't think family sharing applies since it's per-machine. Are you sure that they aren't just free apps?
  11. Dr. McKay

    access denied

    I'm not available for work.
  12. If Steam is down, you can't log in. I don't understand where the confusion is. Wait for Steam to come back online, and the client will reconnect on its own and emit webSession.
  13. If you're using node-steam-user, it will automatically reconnect when it gets disconnected. You can handle the event where you need a Steam Guard code by setting the promptSteamGuardCode option to false and handling the steamGuard event.
  14. Dr. McKay

    access denied

    You need to call webLogOn with no arguments, and call it on the same Steam client as the one that's already connected to Steam.
  15. Dr. McKay

    access denied

    Read the second half of this.
  16. That's the correct method to use, but you can't use it if you aren't currently connected to Steam (e.g. because Steam is down). That's what's throwing that error.
  17. The code in your first post will absolutely work. Regarding your second post, are you passing the 64-bit SteamID as a string instead of a number? JavaScript can't handle integers that are that big.
  18. You're trying to relog the web session while Steam is down. Don't do that, and just wait for Steam to come back. It will emit webSession automatically once it reconnects successfully.
  19. Dr. McKay

    access denied

    Has your web session expired?
  20. relog will only work if you're currently logged on (steamID is not null). If you're not logged on (steamID is null), logOn.
  21. There's no reason why that shouldn't work, besides the sentry not being valid for your account.
  22. It won't automatically relogin if you explicitly log off.
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