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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. No.
  2. For most free games other than TF2, you need to request a license before you can play it.
  3. Your package.json is malformed. It looks like you just glued package-lock.json and package.json together. Don't do that. Get rid of the second dependencies section.
  4. You need to run npm install in the folder where your bot code is located. If you didn't add steam-user to your package.json, then you'll need to use npm install steam-user.
  5. You'd have to split your bots into a separate application. You could communicate between the two using TCP or HTTP, among other things.
  6. Dunno what to tell you. You're connecting to Steam servers, but they're telling you to try a different one.
  7. Please explain how you fixed it, for future people who might have the problem.
  8. You didn't install to the right place.
  9. Show your code, please.
  10. Make sure api.steampowered.com isn't being blocked on your network, maybe.
  11. Sorry, I could have been a little clearer. Not event callbacks, those are (mostly) unchanged. Callbacks to functions like getPersonas is what I'm talking about. All the changes in v4 can be found here.
  12. Should work. Are you trying to retrieve the captcha from the same IP as you tried to log on with? Seems like Steam is checking to make sure they match before serving the correct captcha image.
  13. TryAnotherCM means the server you connected to isn't accepting connections at this time. Seems like Steam was just down when you tried to log on. Can you try again now?
  14. npm install
  15. You need to update your code for v4. The first argument to all callbacks is now err.
  16. If the steamGuard event is emitted and lastCodeWrong is true, then you should delay 30 seconds before you generate and return a code.
  17. loggedOn won't be emitted unless the logon was successful.
  18. once is your problem. It'll only be fired once, then the listener is removed. Also, promptSteamGuardCode has no function as of v4.
  19. Then you didn't bind the listener at the right time.
  20. I think you're probably modifying objects that you shouldn't be.
  21. Might you be somehow modifying the SteamID object passed to the user event? Try 4.12.1 and see if that fixes your problem.
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