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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Not possible currently.
  2. I suggest that you study up on JavaScript asynchronous callbacks.
  3. Surely it's technically possible, just might be more involved than you expect.
  4. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/releases/tag/v4.12.0
  5. Doubtful. Yes, provided your persona state isn't "Offline".
  6. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#getpersonassteamids-callback
  7. Nope, methods to create/delete channels aren't yet implemented, but if you need/want them I can see if I can get around to it tonight or tomorrow. Your use-case sounds like an interesting one, so I'd like to enable you to do it.
  8. It's up to Steam when those get emitted. If the data isn't sent, it isn't emitted.
  9. It'll be a lot easier to retrieve your community inventory and just find the item with the matching ID.
  10. As of v3, properties are not converted from snake_case to camelCase. So instead of using defIndex, you need to use def_index.
  11. That is not currently possible.
  12. No, steam-user can't do anything like this.
  13. Great, glad you got it working. As an explanation for why you were getting loggedOn emitting, if accountName isn't specified or is undefined, then steam-user will log onto an anonymous user account.
  14. That looks right. Make sure your config.accountName is set properly.
  15. This isn't how you send a lobby invite. You need to use a separate kind of command which I don't believe is implemented in steam-user at this time.
  16. If the game is telling you that the blueprint is invalid, either you're trying to craft the wrong items or something weird is going on with the GC that we can't do anything about. No, the only ways to update your inventory on steamcommunity.com are to launch/quit a game, complete a trade offer containing items in that inventory, or start a real-time trading session.
  17. Sure, I guess, but there's no way around that. You just need to have enough memory.
  18. As long as you didn't set dataDirectory: null you should be fine.
  19. If you're going to lower the max items value, I would also configure a dataDirectory so that excess items can be stored locally on the disk instead of having to consult Steam every time. Performance shouldn't be impacted too heavily, but it may be noticeable. You'll definitely minimize your impact by configuring a dataDirectory.
  20. This is already done in the module via persisting to local disk with the dataDirectory option (which you can redirect to go anywhere you want, including MongoDB). Update to v2.10.0 and you can override the maximum size of the asset cache, but beware that doing so will negatively impact performance as more and more items will need to be retrieved from the disk for every poll. In practice, for the best performance, you will need more RAM the more trades you make.
  21. I suspect that you're having problems because you have two newOffer handlers. They will both fire, so you'll be trying to decline all offers that aren't sent by the owner, even if they should be accepted by your trading logic.
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