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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Valve is utterly incompetent and as a result Steam is complete garbage. It is extremely common for random endpoints to give failure responses even if Steam as a whole is "working".
  2. e is an Error object. Calling JSON.stringify on an Error object returns {}.
  3. I don't believe it's currently possible to embed an image into chat using steam-user. You could always upload it to imgur or something and send a link to it though.
  4. If I had to guess, I'd say that community isn't an instance of SteamCommunity.
  5. If you use getConfirmations, the result will be an array of CConfirmation objects. The title contains the item's name, and the icon contains its image.
  6. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOffer#getexchangedetailsgetdetailsiffailed-callback
  7. When an offer is countered, the original offer goes into state 4 and a new offer is created. You want to decline the new offer.
  8. Sounds like your steam-user isn't connected.
  9. No.
  10. Offers will disappear on their own after a while.
  11. Memory usage is pretty normal on accounts with a lot of trade offers. The module caches asset descriptions in order to avoid slamming the API and using up your quota of requests on asset description retrieval. If you want to minimize memory usage, you need to omit a language in the constructor and keep track of whatever data you might need yourself.
  12. Call acceptConfirmationForObject whenever you send a trade offer that needs confirmation.
  13. You're right, the docs are wrong. I've fixed it. There is no way to retrieve the list of members in a chat room group, so I've added a method for how the Steam client does it.
  14. Not via JavaScript, at the moment.
  15. Confirmation polling (and therefore the newConfirmation event) is deprecated and won't be supported. But also no, you shouldn't use acceptConfirmationForObject with a confirmation ID. That won't work. You're supposed to use the offer ID. What I suspect is happening is that you're trading a bunch of items between bots. When you accept a confirmation for an outgoing offer in which both parties are losing items, it will be pretty quick. When you accept the confirmation for an incoming offer, the confirmation response won't come until all items have been moved. If you're moving a lot of items, this will take a while. There is no way to avoid this.
  16. That's not necessarily what that means. What exactly that error means is pretty much unknown. The takeaway here should be that you need to catch and handle errors, or else your stuff will crash.
  17. That's just Steam being Steam.
  18. If the code you posted in your original post is that entire file, then that specific client is not logged on. You instead created a new one.
  19. Once you join a chat room group, you're in it for good. There's no need to join it every time you log in. You can check which groups you're in using getGroups.
  20. Without seeing exactly how parseMessage is called, all I can suggest is that maybe you want that if to be if (!message || !message.startsWith('!'))
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