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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You need to use community.setCookies() to log SteamCommunity into Steam.
  2. No problem at all. It's definitely possible that they disabled the old webchat endpoints (I haven't checked to see if they work in a long while). If they have, I would seriously recommend just using steam-user. As mentioned earlier, it's rather lightweight if all you're doing is logging on and setting yourself to online.
  3. As far as I'm aware, the old webchat endpoints do still work, and I never removed the code from steamcommunity. You could try using it. That said, using steam-user just to go online and do nothing else is pretty lightweight. It's just a single connection getting held open, and sending heartbeat packets every 9 seconds or so. I use Charles Proxy to intercept app requests. If your phone is rooted, research how to add a root certificate to the system store. Then you can MITM whatever you want, as long as the app doesn't implement cert pinning (Steam doesn't, last I checked).
  4. Why not just use steam-user to go online? To analyze the calls an Android app makes, you need a rooted phone. Android 7 (I think) made it to where apps need to explicitly opt-in to allowing user-entered roots for secure connections, which few apps do.
  5. If you're using steam-user and your account has email-based Steam Guard enabled, when you run the bot and Steam prompts for a code, the module will automatically prompt you to enter the code. Once you do and hit enter, it will proceed with the login. You can post group announcements using steamcommunity, but discussion forums are not supported and are unlikely to ever be, due to spam concerns.
  6. Assuming your clock is correct, this will tell you how many seconds are left until the code will change: let secondsRemaining = 30 - (Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) % 30); But note that once a code changes, you still have another 30 seconds to use it before it comes invalid.
  7. I assume a "nodejs bot" is a steam-user bot? https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#websession
  8. You want to use the rememberPassword log on option.
  9. I don't think you can request profile data for arbitrary users without you being friends with them (or being in the same group chat) via steam-user.
  10. No, those are the same exact URL.
  11. No, that isn't normal. Just running const SteamUser = require('steam-user') runs at around 60 MB for me.
  12. The user event will be emitted anytime Steam sends a persona state notification, which happens automatically for all your friends whenever their states change, provided you're marked as online.
  13. Get your friends list from myFriends and check each of their statuses in users.
  14. If you're using steam-user, rememberPassword is the only option you can use. There are no cookies.
  15. Assuming you're using steam-user, look into rememberPassword. But be warned, it's not foolproof. It breaks sometimes.
  16. If you're specifying a custom dataDirectory, then it's not going to get saved to appdata.
  17. There's no reason anything should have changed. v3 hasn't been touched in months. Incidentally, I suggest that you update to v4.
  18. It's in their persona_state_flags. You can see the available flags here. So, you'd want to check if (user.persona_state_flags & SteamUser.EPersonaStateFlag.ClientTypeMobile)
  19. No, there is no such function as declineConfirmationForOffer. If you want to accept a given offer by ID, you'll need to first retrieve it using getOffer.
  20. You need to research how asynchronous code works in JavaScript.
  21. Before calling webLogOn, you need to check if client.steamID is set. If it isn't, then you aren't connected and you'll need to reconnect first.
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