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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. I'm pinning this thread again because of numerous recent questions about changes made in v4.
  2. It was removed in v4 because it no longer works.
  3. As far as I'm aware, that's the only bbcode that works in chat. Everything else is a /command or an :emoji:.
  4. That SteamID (like all 64-bit SteamIDs) is too big to be represented as a JavaScript number. It's being rounded. Wrap it in quotes.
  5. You need to use bbcode: [mention=accountid]@name[/mention]
  6. Can you show the code you're using to try to join the group chat?
  7. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to use the number with getClanChatGroupInfo. That is your group's 64-bit SteamID. The ID in your group edit page is the accountid portion of your group's SteamID. You can turn it into a full SteamID by putting it in this string: "[g:1:x]" For example, the Valve group's accountid is 4, so we get https://steamcommunity.com/gid/[g:1:4]
  8. I see no reason why that shouldn't work. Are you perhaps trying to send items that you crafted in-game by the bot?
  9. Why would there be? You sent the offer, you should know that it was sent.
  10. Of course that isn't going to work. No incoming trades that you can see will ever be in state 9 (CreatedNeedsConfirmation), so newOffer and receivedOfferChanged aren't going to emit with that state. Trades that you send that require confirmation are created in state 9, so sentOfferChanged isn't going to emit with that state because a trade can't change into state 9.
  11. You probably want to use require("./login.json") and not just require("login.json").
  12. I've just added it in v3.40.0.
  13. If you're using a loginkey, don't send the password.
  14. If it's a trade you sent but haven't confirmed yet, that's CreatedNeedsConfirmation. The other party can't see it. If it's a trade you received that you accepted but haven't confirmed yet, it's still Active. The confirmationMethod property is how you can tell if an incoming trade has an outstanding confirmation.
  15. No, you can't pass an array to deleteItem. You'll need to call it for each item individually.
  16. Setting snooze worked fine for me. If you're not in-game, you will appear as "Away" in the newest Steam client, with a "ZZZ" icon. If you're in-game, just the "ZZZ" icon will appear. If you want a custom in-game string, make the string the first entry in your array that you pass to gamesPlayed.
  17. You probably want to use steam.uploadAvatar and not community.uploadAvatar. Also, attach a callback. Also also, don't use the auto-confirmation checker.
  18. That's correct. That's incorrect. They will still be auto-canceled per your options.
  19. There is no one correct way. I have traditionally started an HTTP server in the Node process and called that from external processes, when needed.
  20. You exceeded a rate-limit.
  21. You should be able to use it on store.steampowered.com. When you use setCookies in SteamCommunity, it'll set them for steamcommunity.com, store.steampowered.com, and help.steampowered.com.
  22. https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/2102-acceptconfirmationforobject-must-be-logged-in-before-trying-to-do-anything-with-confirmations/
  23. You should use the WebAPI to get games owned by a user.
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