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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You can use Array.prototype.filter to filter out things you don't want.
  2. Dr. McKay

    Steam update

    It's a normal CM connection using normal CM protobuf messages. node-steam-user does all this. At some point I'll add support for new chat to steam-user but it'll be a bit.
  3. You could always call the API yourself. But your bot is getting killed because you don't have enough memory.
  4. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#mynicknames
  5. Nickname as in the private name you gave the user, or nickname as in the user's profile (persona) name?
  6. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOfferManager#sentofferchanged
  7. You're probably running out of memory.
  8. I dunno what to tell you. Everything you posted looks good, so you must be doing something wrong elsewhere.
  9. Are you using the cookies on the same IP as where they were created? I find generally you have to use the same IP.
  10. I'm not 100% certain, but I think: Blocked = You blocked themIgnoredFriend = They're a friend, and you blocked themSuggestedFriend = Dunno, maybe unusedMax = Not a real value, just the maximum that enum goes up to
  11. The appid for the item is 753. You should prefix the game's appid to the market_hash_name, e.g.: community.getMarketItem(753, "629960-:SoraSummerFlowerGaze2:", (err, item) => { });
  12. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOffer#getuserdetailscallback
  13. That generally happens when there's no longer anything happening in the script. For example: it got disconnected from Steam and there wasn't anything reconnecting or something.
  14. I don't believe that's presently possible.
  15. Of the account you're logged into? client.steamID.accountid
  16. Yeah I don't see any reason why the protobufs in my code wouldn't work. They're dumped directly from Steam anyway.
  17. It's a bit detailed to go into here, but it involves implementing the CM protocol by looking at reference code, looking over the protobufs until you find something that looks like you want to do (and possibly not finding it, which means you have to guess the parameters and order), sending messages, and seeing what happens.
  18. You're not going to have a good time doing that, honestly. There are no resources or documentation anywhere. It would probably be quicker for you to learn some basic JS than to recreate all of this in Python.
  19. It's coming from whatever you tried to do that failed because you weren't logged in. The sessionExpired event gets emitted after "Not Logged In" gets returned from some request you made. It doesn't proactively check.
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