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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Not at the moment. You could open a GitHub issue on https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-globaloffensive to get it added though I can't promise it'll happen anytime soon.
  2. It wouldn't work for CS:GO.
  3. Probably because you're using some when you mean to use forEach. And also Steam probably has a chat message rate-limit.
  4. Steam doesn't "take care" of anything chat-related except links it feels to be malicious. That said, unless you're doing something utterly insane like eval()'ing chat messages you're fine there.
  5. DigitalOcean is fine. I'd recommend them more now that they've dropped their prices than I would in the past. If you're going with a VPS then you need to read up on security so you don't get pwned. You probably want at least 2 GB of RAM. 1 GB might work but keep in mind that it also needs to support the entire OS too. On a reputable host your files are safe. You don't need to encrypt them unless you're really paranoid, and if you do go that route you can't store the key on the server or it'll defeat the purpose.
  6. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOfferManager#getoffersfilterhistoricalcutoff-callback
  7. Sure, just load two inventories and add two items from different games. Change the amount property on the item. For example: manager.getUserInventoryContents(steamID, 753, 6, true, (err, inv) => { if (err) { throw err; } let gems = inv.filter(item => item.market_hash_name == "Gems"); let item = gems[0]; item.amount = 300; offer.addMyItem(item); });
  8. You never need a trade URL to get an inventory. Just use getUserInventoryContents to get an inventory.
  9. You aren't using async properly. You need to call getInventoryContents inside of the webSession event, after you call setCookies.
  10. No. You can't get private inventories under any circumstance.
  11. The partner parameter in the URL is the account ID of the user. You can use community.getUserInventoryContents("[u:1:" + accountid + "]", . . .)
  12. Who's "the" user? The currently logged in user? playingState A friend? user
  13. I don't know, sorry.
  14. You would need to use node-globaloffensive for that.
  15. I dunno. Maybe Steam has a limit, maybe it doesn't. Why don't you find out?
  16. You're adding an event listener named getTradeURL, not calling a method. community.getTradeURL(...
  17. I don't believe there's a limit on how many games you can "play" at once. I don't know why you'd specify the same game multiple times, but I have no idea what the result would be.
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