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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/CSteamGroup#joincallback
  2. The removeFriend method will cancel/decline a friend request. You can't join groups through steam-user.
  3. If you read the documentation a little closer, you'll see that all you need to do is give each a distinct logonID.
  4. Encryption with a key in environment variables is about the best you can do, assuming your crypto is solid.
  5. None of what you just asked makes any sense. But I can tell you that the SteamID you pasted belongs to a Steam group, specifically "FireTeamShot" (http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791440766536/).
  6. This, it seemed to not be doing anything because you didn't actually have it do anything once it was logged on.
  7. Right now there isn't any method to get group comments, so you'd need to figure out how to do that on your own.
  8. The confirmation checker doesn't have any events like that. Those belong to steam-tradeoffer-manager. You should just call acceptConfirmationForObject whenever you send or accept an offer that needs confirmation, and that's it.
  9. It's possible but steam-user won't help you as it has nothing to do with HTTP. Also, as far as I know there aren't any modules at all that do the queue so you'd have to implement it yourself.
  10. At the moment, that's not possible. You could create an array or queue somewhere and push offers into it as the event is emitted, then when you're ready to process them go through that array.
  11. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/round
  12. Are you friends with them? I believe you need to be friends and they might even need to be online.
  13. It probably failed because you're trying to get an encrypted appticket for an app that doesn't have it enabled.
  14. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#gamesplayedapps-force
  15. That API method doesn't do what you expect. Specifically, it doesn't return market prices nor does it work for Steam Community items.
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