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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You can use the url module to parse the URL, then you'd want to check the domain, path, etc.
  2. Make sure all your modules are up to date. Run 'npm update'. And I mean to make sure your timer doesn't exceed 231.
  3. SteamIDs are too large to be represented as JavaScript numbers. You need to make that SteamID a string (wrap it in quotes).
  4. There is no other way to do it. Steam imposes limits on how frequently you can send inspect requests.
  5. Make sure everything is up to date and make sure your code doesn't create any timeouts with a timer of 2^31.
  6. Steam doesn't slow any requests, it will only outright block you with 429. Your proxy just sucks.
  7. You're making too many requests. You need to limit your requests.
  8. You would want to pass in a node-steamcommunity instance you've created and set the localAddress on.
  9. If you could open an issue on GitHub that'll make me remember to add it.
  10. That's my bad. Update to 3.33.2 please. For future reference, if a module is throwing an error and crashing the application, that warrants opening a GitHub issue.
  11. This is a bad idea without some kind of limits and delay, or else if something breaks you'll just start DDoSing Steam.
  12. I don't see much of a need for separate forums right now.
  13. Use the SteamID to pull their inventory from Steam to get the inspect link, then use that to get the wear.
  14. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamstore#redeemwalletcodewalletcode-callback
  15. steam-tradeoffer-manager uses a steamcommunity instance for all its HTTP requests. If you pass in your own, then it'll respect that steamcommunity instance's options and such, and it will also set cookies on that steamcommunity meaning you don't need to do it yourself.
  16. Loop the array until you find what you're looking for.
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