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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. That's pretty much the right way to do it.
  2. Unless you're conducting tens of thousands of trades a day, that should be fine.
  3. It shouldn't matter if your IP keeps changing.
  4. It's just normal polling. It polls (requests) the API on a timer to see if anything has changed. The only possibly more efficient way to do it is to connect to Steam as a client and listen for new incoming trade offers messages and items received messages. They don't tell you details about the trades though, so you need to hit the API anyway. And since they're not foolproof you need to poll on a timer anyway.
  5. Not really, just google http proxies.
  6. I highly doubt you'll find any free proxies that work with Steam.
  7. HTTPS proxies are not supported, only HTTP proxies. Your 400 Bad Request is coming from the proxy, so you're probably not using the correct proxy address/port.
  8. You can't. Nor the group name.
  9. It's in owner_descriptions, which is only available if you loaded your own inventory.
  10. Most likely OfferLimitExceeded is coming from the actual call to offer.send(), not from confirming it. There's also a limit on how many offers can be awaiting confirmation, maybe you hit that.
  11. itemsToReceive always contains the pre-trade data. You can use offer.getExchangeDetails to get post-trade data.
  12. I believe you only need steamLogin, steamLoginSecure, sessionid, and steamMachineAuth cookies (the latter not being necessary if the cookies were obtained through a CM).
  13. You could always use node-steamcommunity's getUserInventoryContents, which is what steam-tradeoffer-manager calls anyway.
  14. I don't understand what you're trying to do here. Why manually make the request instead of using getUserInventoryContents? What do you mean by "not having to cache anything"?
  15. It's not possible in any of my modules, and probably won't ever be (in compliance with the Steam Subscriber Agreement).
  16. Don't use steam, just use steam-user.
  17. The event is still there, but it's deprecated and you're highly discouraged from using it. You should be using acceptConfirmationForObject.
  18. No, there's no way to load the inventory page by page.
  19. Pull your inventory, find the owner_description that contains the date, and parse it.
  20. That won't do any good, you'll need to load the files into memory before you can use them anyway.
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