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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. relog will only work if you're currently logged on (steamID is not null). If you're not logged on (steamID is null), logOn.
  2. There's no reason why that shouldn't work, besides the sentry not being valid for your account.
  3. It won't automatically relogin if you explicitly log off.
  4. None of the code you posted would result in that error. That said, you want to use webLogOn instead of logOn, assuming client is a node-steam-user instance. The web session is distinct from the client session. It connects as a client, then uses that client session to obtain cookies for a web session. The web session expires but the client session doesn't, so webLogOn just gets new cookies using that same client session.
  5. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOffer#acceptskipstateupdate-callback Async events would be pretty difficult, seeing as EventEmitter is synchronous.
  6. You're most likely trying to reuse a code. You can't do that.
  7. You can't use confirmations on two devices at once. I suspect that you're using a physical mobile phone to confirm some trades. This will cause problems like the one you describe (confirmations don't always show up).
  8. The absolute fastest way to accept incoming trade offers is to pass a node-steam-user instance to steam-tradeoffer-manager. The Steam server will send real-time notifications of when offers are received, and newOffer will be emitted immediately after the offer's details are retrieved.
  9. My assumption is that you're using code written for v1 with v2. You can't provide the message and token to send() in v2. There are separate methods for that.
  10. Please open an issue on Github for this.
  11. Yes. Just use getUserInventoryContents without logging in.
  12. recived may no longer be valid inside of that callback, as i would have changed on the next loop iteration (welcome to closures!). If you use recived.forEach it will work as expected.
  13. That should probably be fine, although I don't know for sure that Steam would give 401 for only logged-out errors. Steam is weird.
  14. "status code >= 400" is inappropriate for detecting if the session has expired. Using that, you'll end up relogging constantly if you end up getting rate-limited (403 or 429), for example.
  15. It will only (mobile) confirm offers you already accepted. That said, I highly discourage using the confirmation checker. Just use acceptConfirmationForObject as needed (after accepting offers).
  16. Do this instead: community.setCookies(["steamLogin=1||invalid", "steamLoginSecure=1||invalid"]);
  17. Pass the community instance in to the constructor of TradeOfferManager, as per the docs.
  18. That's not possible since in generally all circumstances, you should have an offer object already. If you really need to accept an offer by its ID, you'll need to first retrieve the offer object.
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