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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. No, you need to be connected to use relog.
  2. In my experience, no.
  3. It means nothing. It's a remnant from real-time trades where every time the trade updates, that's a new "version".
  4. The first argument to the callback is (as always) err. The AppID it wants is not the item's AppID but the AppID of the game, which is generally available as market_fee_app.
  5. You have to use getGemValue first because turnItemIntoGems needs the expected value.
  6. You're probably meant to send a POST, which it doesn't seem like you're doing.
  7. Sounds like it's not finding a matching item in their inventory.
  8. If you're only adding items to their side of the trade, of course you wouldn't be offering any of your items.
  9. Need to see more than that. Specifically how you're adding items to it. Also, !offer.state == 11 won't do what you think it does. It translates into (!offer.state) == 11 or false == 11.
  10. We'd need to see code to tell you anything useful.
  11. I don't believe there is one, but be aware that for each item you add to the trade, it takes longer to confirm the trade.
  12. What exactly does this have to do with steam-tradeoffer-manager?
  13. list_of_subs is the list of package IDs it can be applied to. Packages contain apps. You can get package data from steam-user.
  14. No, it needs to be the sale ID.
  15. You can list items in your OPSkins inventory for sale. Look into the ISales/EditPrice API method.
  16. You must be sending the wrong ID to OPSkins then.
  17. That was originally in there, dunno where it went.
  18. Marketability isn't the same as tradability.
  19. That error happens when you're trying to list something that isn't in your Steam inventory (or isn't tradable).
  20. How would you get the name of the game someone is playing if they're not in-game?
  21. You should use GetPlayerSummaries to get what game someone is playing.
  22. There's nothing in the steamcommunity module to get a user's games. Generally it doesn't include stuff for things you can do with the WebAPI.
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