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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#playingstate
  2. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#promptsteamguardcode https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#steamguard
  3. Make sure that your bot account has permission to kick users. That error is coming from Steam so there isn't much else I can tell you.
  4. Make the token expected.
  5. Well done, Valve. I'm not seeing that on my own inventory history page. Possible it's just a transient issue?
  6. There is already an existing thread for this (and this isn't the right forum anyway).
  7. No, because having two clients logged into the same Steam account does trickery with your online status.
  8. I think strictly speaking, the leading SteamID isn't part of the ticket. Some implementations just expect the SteamID to be sent preceding the actual ticket. Therefore, I don't believe I should be including that leading SteamID in the ticket I return.
  9. Thanks for the info. I've merged the pending pull request and published an update.
  10. I don't really think this can be done with a bot. The bot would need to go online in order to receive chat messages, which would override your persona state from the proper Steam client.
  11. You could add a function to that app.js file which returns the bot instance. Like exports.getBot = function() { ... }
  12. You should provide the arguments as arguments, not as an object.
  13. It has never been tested to ensure that it actually returns well-formed tickets.
  14. fs is not an npm module. It's built into Node.js.
  15. That should work, but for robustness you should listen for the disconnected event then re-login after that gets emitted (but make sure you only call logOn in response to disconnected if you manually initiated the logoff; disconnected can also be emitted if Steam goes down, in which case it will automatically reconnect).
  16. I don't believe this is currently possible (in node-steamcommunity; it will never be possible in node-steam-user).
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