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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. That's because message === "!say" is checking if message is exactly "!say", when I believe you want to see if it starts with "!say". To check if it starts with "!say" you want to do if (message.indexOf("!say ") === 0)
  2. The language is only needed to get descriptions, yes. I honestly couldn't tell you why some trading cards would have empty market_hash_names. I know some items in non-Valve games have empty market_hash_names, but trading cards should always have one. Maybe you're getting bad data from Steam when it's being glitchy or something. Do you have an example of some such cards?
  3. You can download game files: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/blob/master/doc/CDN.md But this is an alpha feature and you'd have to figure out yourself what you need to do in order to get the proper Steam client to recognize the games and play them.
  4. I don't believe there's anything in any library to do it, you'd need to send the request yourself. You could open a GitHub issue on node-steamcommunity and I'll get around to adding it at some point.
  5. You're comparing against the entire enum. You need to do SteamUser.EFriendRelationship.RequestInitiator.
  6. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOfferManager#events
  7. You can't play games on the same account in more than one location. Once you launch a game on another instance, the first one will be booted from Steam. I think you've figured this out. When the error event is emitted, your bot is no longer connected to Steam. You'll need to log back on if you want to remain connected. You can use playingState to see if you're in-game elsewhere. So, for example, if you wanted to launch your games only if the account isn't currently in use, you'd want to set a timer (setTimeout) once you're logged on for say 5 seconds, and if you get playingState telling you that you're in-game elsewhere, cancel the timer. Once the timer elapses, launch your games.
  8. Create the code using https://www.npmjs.com/package/steam-totp
  9. Just console.log the item to see what's available. Did you set a language in the constructor? There won't be too much interesting data available if you don't.
  10. Most likely it just won't let you redeem the key if you already own everything in the package it would grant you.
  11. Just call client.gamesPlayed again with a different AppID.
  12. You need to pass craft an array of item IDs you want to craft together. Right now you're just passing in one metal per craft, so it's smelting the metal down because that's all it can do with one metal.
  13. https://lab.xpaw.me/steam_api_documentation.html#ISteamUser_GetPlayerSummaries_v2
  14. "[g:1:id]"
  15. You need quotes around it. It's a string.
  16. You can use either the 64-bit one or the ID in the edit page, if you put the edit page ID into this formula: [g:1:id] For example [g:1:4] -> https://steamcommunity.com/gid/[g:1:4]
  17. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamstore/releases/tag/v1.6.1 Thanks.
  18. You're either calling addMyItem or addTheirItem with an undefined item.
  19. Well, for one thing, you're using token to store your TradeOffer, then calling trade.sent(). But your issue is that you aren't listening for the callback, you're just assuming it worked immediately. You need to pass a callback to send() and check the offer ID once it is called.
  20. Either call trade.addMyItem to add items one-by-one, or call trade.addMyItems on the entire pool to add them all at once. addMyItem is for single items. addMyItems is for arrays of multiple items.
  21. GetTradeOffer and GetTradeOffers are the names of the API methods. getOffer and getOffers are the steam-tradeoffer-manager equivalents. tradeID only exists when the offer has been accepted. If you're using steam-tradeoffer-manager you don't need to call the API yourself; you can use getExchangeDetails.
  22. I think that's probably normal. Not all of the fields are actually used by Steam.
  23. The trade ID is the tradeid property on the trade offer (from GetTradeOffers or GetTradeOffer) after it's accepted. It's not an offer ID.
  24. That's old enough there probably isn't a protobuf. You probably just need to send a buffer containing most likely the defindex of the stock item (uint32?) first, followed by your null-terminated new name.
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