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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. If you want my guess, fork node-globaloffensive and add this to index.js: GlobalOffensive.prototype.nameItem = function(nameTagID, itemID, customName) { var buffer = new ByteBuffer(16 + Buffer.byteLength(customName) + 1); buffer.writeUint64(coerceToLong(nameTagID)); buffer.writeUint64(coerceToLong(itemID)); buffer.writeCString(customName); this._send(Language.NameItem, null, buffer); }; If that doesn't work try swapping nameTagID and itemID. And if that doesn't work, you'd want to use something like NetHook2.
  2. You might be logging in, but you're still trying to load your inventory before you're logged in. Login IP ratelimits typically last less than an hour.
  3. You're trying to get your inventory but you aren't signed in yet.
  4. No, it's not possible to get a friend's games list except through the WebAPI.
  5. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#getownedapps
  6. My best guess is that it indicates that you want to post to a profile, not to a forum thread.
  7. No such cookie is issued when you log on via the client.
  8. It's now possible to generate a link to allow someone to add you as a friend without you needing to accept a request. These links look like http://s.team/p/user-id/token which redirects to https://steamcommunity.com/user/user-id/token You can also access a profile using https://steamcommunity.com/user/user-id which will just redirect you to /id/ or /profiles/, depending on whether the profile has a custom URL set. These user IDs look like aaa-aaaa. I don't know why it might be useful to convert a SteamID to friend-link user-id, but converting the user-id to a SteamID might be useful. The friend-link user-ids are just the account's accountid (the lower 32 bits in the 64-bit SteamID, or the x part in [U:1:xxxx]), encoded in hexadecimal, with some character replacements, and with a dash added. Here are the replacements: Hex = Letter ------------ 0 = b 1 = c 2 = d 3 = f 4 = g 5 = h 6 = j 7 = k 8 = m 9 = n a = p b = q c = r d = t e = v f = w To convert a SteamID to a user-id, encode the accountid in hex and perform string replacements for the above characters. The hyphen isn't necessary for a final URL to work. To convert a user-id to a SteamID, remove the dash and perform string replacements for the above characters. That gives you an accountid which you can turn into a SteamID using a platform-appropriate SteamID library.
  9. You need to filter the inventory to get just the items you want. Array.prototype.filter will probably interest you.
  10. The rate-limit is obviously not on your public IP. The change request is going through the proxy.
  11. You might just try retrying.
  12. If you make too many purchase attempts (i.e. when testing things) then Steam will lock you out of future purchase attempts for an unknown (but long) period of time.
  13. You appear to be correct. It looks like the client uses the help site to change passwords now, so changing passwords through the client was probably disabled. I'll mark the method as deprecated.
  14. The owner_descriptions array is empty unless you're the owner of the item.
  15. You never defined any variable named community.
  16. There is, but it's too in-depth to go into here.
  17. You're crossing into natural language processing territory there.
  18. Set up a timer, and call gamesPlayed with the next string in the rotation each time it fires.
  19. Per the documentation, the emailInfo property is updated after all emailInfo event listeners fire.
  20. getReceivedItems can only be called when the offer is accepted and confirmed.
  21. As an update, I've gotten very basic support working in the v4 branch. Hopefully I'll be able to finish up v4 soon, at which point new chat support can be fleshed out further.
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